Retiring this Christmas?

End of year, end of working life. These two events, one a regular event, the other a decision and a new chapter in life, often occur at the same time. So, what will that feel like for you this Christmas? Will it be a relief, […]

Changing our behaviour – before retirement

We’ve all heard stories about giving and receiving advice and I experienced some of the problems  associated with the practice recently. I was asked to talk to someone who was having issues at work he wasn’t handling well. After talking about his concerns for a […]

Volunteering helps you and your community

It’s no secret that lots of retired people make big contributions to their communities by volunteering across a wide range of organisations. This unpaid work is worth billions to the Australian economy. Today I’d like to tell you a story about the other side of […]

7 ways to fight Loneliness in Retirement

Loneliness is a major problem for older people.  Generally as we age we tend to get more isolated ant that often leads to loneliness which in turn can start a downward cycle into depression. That’s a very bad place to be, so it’s worthwhile taking […]

What’s retirement really like?

I recently facilitated a seminar  about preparing for retirement. At the beginning of my talk I asked a couple of people to try and answer the question “Who are you?” The answers that both gave were similar. They were variations on their CVs – their […]

Father’s Day when you’re 50 Plus

So, how’s your Father’s Day going to look this year? The commercial imperative indicates happy times in the bosom of our family, but how does that work in the 21st Century? First of all there may be some of you who are still raising young […]

Experience takes time

We learn by study, observation and experience. Most of us do our intensive studies at school, TAFE and university and hopefully enter the workforce with an education and good technical skills. Why then aren’t 20 year olds with the latest knowledge put in charge of […]

How much money will I need in retirement?

This is the perennial question and the one that keeps lots of financial advisers in a job and many over 50s up late at night. Our visions, or fears about retirement are often driven by this question. One answer is that everyone is different and […]