Corporate Services

Progressive superannuation funds and financial planning groups are aware that there’s a growing trend towards better engaging with members and clients. One proven way to build a better relationship with clients approaching retirement is to assist them with both financial and lifestyle planning.

Ours was the first web site in Australia to focus exclusively on the issues facing baby boomers approaching retirement. Since then we have pioneered the idea that lifestyle issues are just as important as financial ones if people are going to enjoy their retirement years.

Over the last ten years we have developed a range of products and services which make it relatively easy and affordable for super funds and financial planning groups to-

  • Build a better relationship with clients
  • Better prepare their clients for a life in full or part time retirement.
  • Reduce the leakage from super funds when members retire.
  • Offer a competitive product advantage and a believable point of difference.
  • Motivate super fund members to talk to the fund’s Financial Planners.

Here’s what we can offer our clients.

We prefer to discuss a client’s objectives and then offer a solution involving the most appropriate of our products and services.

A range of four books about preparing for and enjoying life in retirement. These books can be ordered in small numbers and can carry a client’s logo on the front cover.

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Paul spoke at one of our networking events targeted at our senior members on Are you emotionally ready to retire? 

From the outset, the session was interactive with Paul providing the perfect forum for open discussion. Our members were armed rich with practical information and tips on the emotional side of retiring.

Comments from our members included, ‘A very informative session’ and ‘I found the presentation earnest and genuine’.

Thank you Paul for sharing your strategies with us and helping our members understand the lifestyle challenges as well as opportunities that retirement can bring.

Gabriela Wilson, CPA Australia


We have a wide range of articles on issues of interest to people over 50 which can be used in newsletters and web sites. Four super funds are currently using our articles.


We can offer a number of expert presenters available for seminars, webinars and workshops. We can also supply scripts and a PowerPoint presentation on retirement lifestyle planning which a fund’s own seminar presenters could use.

Email package. 

We offer a package of 12 emails which a super fund or financial planner can send to clients approaching retirement. These emails provide people with some very useful information and encourages them to see a financial planner.

Retirement Planning Book. 

We have a 36-page retirement lifestyle planning workbook which assists people approaching retirement to think about the various issues they will have to manage and helps them to prepare their own plan. It can be used in workshops and seminars.

How to reduce fund leakage. 

We have incorporated some of the above tools into a comprehensive strategy which moves super fund members, who are approaching retirement, through a number of steps designed to better prepare them for life in retirement and to encourage them to roll their retirement funds into a pension product. We would be happy to explain the details of this strategy if you would care to contact us.

If you would like to discuss any of the above products and services, please contact us  –

P. 02 6652 7581    E.