Are we “seniors” or “super adults”?

It’s well known that lots of baby boomers don’t see themselves as “old” and don’t like to be regarded as “seniors”, “retirees”, “oldies” or other terms that suggest that they’re “past it”. We all think that the date on our birth certificate is wrong and […]

A Holistic Guide to a Happy Retirement

Retirement planning isn’t just about your money – it’s about your life.                          Most of the information we are given about retirement is about our finances – will we have enough? What’s the best investment strategy?  What sized pension will we get? All of this […]

Happy Retired and Single

Retirement planning isn’t just about your money – it’s about your life.              Singles have been largely ignored by the Retirement Industry. Most of the marketing literature and advertising we see shows attractive couples on cruise ships, beaches and at parties. It’s as if singles didn’t […]

Facing the Future

It’s common knowledge that people in their 60s and 70s today are much healthier and fitter than their parents and grandparents of a similar age. We are living longer and many of today’s school children in advanced economies will live to 100. It’s unrealistic to […]

Video Resources

Retirement information you won’t get anywhere else’s what your not told about retirement fit after 50 – Interview with Victoria Gill Map – Interview with Karen Huchendorf you want to keep working? grief and loss can change your attitude – Interview with Michael Stewart, Performance […]

Your future in retirement – what if?

I recently saw a very confronting program on SBS. It featured three women, all in their 60s and 70s who had become homeless. What was particularly disturbing about this show was that all these women were intelligent, articulate and had achieved success in their chosen […]

Corporate Services

Progressive superannuation funds and financial planning groups are aware that there’s a growing trend towards better engaging with members and clients. One proven way to build a better relationship with clients approaching retirement is to assist them with both financial and lifestyle planning. Ours was […]

Time: How Much Do You Have?

I was at a seminar last year and the presenter offered a great example of how fast the years go by.  She said “Life is like a roll of toilet paper.  In the early years it rotates slowly but as the paper gets used, it […]

Being Bored Can Be So Dull

While we’re still working, the idea of sitting around and just relaxing may sound very appealing. And it is – for a while. But if it becomes a major part of our life in retirement, we’re heading for trouble. Just watching lots of TV and […]

Retirement is different for singles

You could be excused for thinking that there were no single retirees. Nearly all of the promotional material for retirement products shows attractive, happy couples having a good time on cruise ships, beaches and in restaurants. Not a single in sight! Well, currently there are […]