Pelvic Floor Exercises – The Natural Viagra For Men

Ever wondered if there is a way to naturally increase libido and performance, maintain longer erections and improve prostate health and bladder control? Sounds like an advertisment for some weird organic food that costs just $49.95 per month shipped to your door. What most men don’t know is that you don’t need any nasal sprays, strange devices or see some witch-doctor to get these improvements.

The answer is in exercising your PC (Pubo-Coccygeus) muscles. Women have known for years that exercising their PC muscles will help in bladder control during and after pregnancy and improve sexual performance. Luckily the muscles are pretty much the same in men and women and we as men can use the same simple exercises known as ‘Kegel’ exercises to improve sexual performance, prostate health and bladder control.

In fact, kegel exercises for men have been shown clinically to significantly improve or stop urinary incontinence in 70-80% of people.

So what is the Pubococcygeus muscle and how do you work it?

The PC stretches from the pubic bone to the tail bone forming a hammock like floor to support our pelvic organs and helps with the control of our pelvic sphincters (‘Pelvic Floor’). In layman’s terms this means that this muscle runs from the base of our penis to our anus and can help switch our urine flow on or off and assists our anal sphincter to contract and relax (a very important part of the male orgasm).


First you need to find out what it feels like to switch this muscle on and off. You can do this during urination: Once you start urinating, try to stop the flow completely by squeezing some muscles deep inside at the base of your penis. If you can’t make this happen, then you really need to do Kegel exercises. This will sound messy, but if you can’t find the muscle during urination then lube up your finger and insert it about 1.5-2 cm into your anus and try to grip your finger… If you can feel your finger being squeezed then you’ve found your muscle… nothing sus!

If you can’t find the muscles during urination and don’t want to stick a finger up your date, then try having an orgasm. As you orgasm concentrate on how your muscles feel at the point between you balls and your anus, you can even press on that area immediately after you orgasm… the twitching motion you will feel is your PC.

Now that you have found the muscles get exercising, you can exercise this muscle anytime, anywhere and no-one else will know you are doing them. The more you do these exercises the better you will get at them and the harder you can do the exercise.

The easiest way to do these exercises is by sitting in a chair, with you feet flat on the floor and your fist between your knees. Squeezing your knees into your fist gently will help to make it easier to squeeze your PC muscle. As you get better you take your fist away, or even widen your legs apart to make things harder again.

Now follow this easy 3 step plan:

  1. Squeeze/ tighten or draw in and up the muscles around both your anus (back passage) and urethra (bladder outlet). Lift up from the inside and try to hold this contraction strongly for as long as you can (1 – 10 seconds to start). Keep breathing! Now release and relax. You should have a definite feeling of letting go… actually if truth be told it feels pretty good.
  2. Rest 10 – 20 seconds – repeat Step 1, and remember it is important to rest. If you find it easy to hold, try to hold longer and repeat as many as you are able. Work towards 12 long, strong holds.
  3. Now try 5 – 10 short, fast strong contractions.
    • do NOT hold your breath
    • do NOT push down instead of squeeze and lift
    • do NOT pull your tummy in tightly
    • do NOT over-tighten your buttocks and thighs.

Try to set aside 5 – 10 minutes in your day for this exercise routine, and remember, quality is important. A few good contractions are more beneficial than many half-hearted ones and good results take time and effort. It will take only 1 week or so to see some improvements and just like any resistance exercise you will see the best results after 3-6months of consistent exercise. Look at it as taking your prostate to the gym.

You can improve on the difficulty of your exercises by spreading your legs wider apart, increase the number of times that you can do each exercise or the duration and strength of contraction that you do these exercises for. Remember, always go to fatigue, you wouldn’t stop halfway through a gym set so don’t stop doing your kegel exercises until you can’t do anymore.

I would suggest not doing this whilst you are driving a moving car. It’s fine at a set of traffic lights, but if you really get going whilst driving you might find it hard not to crash.

Good luck, may the secrets of ‘Kegel’ help you towards a long and healthy sex-life. For more information go to

Michael Lawler

Tree of Life

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