You are approaching retirement. You’ve spent the last 40 plus years working hard, saving money, purchasing property, paying into superannuation and life insurance funds; generally investing in your financial well being for your retirement. But have you invested in your physical wellbeing sufficiently to be able to enjoy retirement?
It has been revealed one third of Australians approaching retirement have not given any thought about the health and lifestyle choices that will inevitably impact on enjoying a happy retirement. While financial planning for retirement is imperative, not having a good level of physical health and wellbeing will have a major impact on the quality of your retirement.
A recent survey shows that twice as many people have financial plans in place versus other retirement plans, such as transitional easing into retirement, maintenance of social contact, lifestyle planning and prevention of disease. While people are encouraged to plan and save for retirement, what happens when you get there and you don’t have the necessary health to enjoy it? Maybe it’s time for baby boomers to start a “Retirement Health & Wellbeing Plan” to encompass such things as regular exercise, social interaction and health screening.
Having a higher level of physical and mental fitness and strength will allow retirees to pursue more active past times. Playing golf and tennis, chasing grandkids, holidaying and generally maintaining a better quality of life can be more enjoyable and far less taxing once an improved state of physical and mental fitness, strength and mobility is achieved. A snowball effect is created where greater fitness leads to pursuit of a more active life, which then, of course, leads to greater fitness etc.
Things to focus on include
- Staying Active Physically. Whether it is walking, playing sport or gym, the key is consistent and moderate activity.
- Staying Active Mentally. The brain operates like your muscles; it needs regular workouts to keep working optimally.
- Rest and Relaxation. Good health isn’t just about staying active. Rest, recovery and relaxation are just as important to help recharge yourself physically and mentally to help ease stress.
- Eat well. Quality and quantity is the key. Eating healthily will fuel your activity and reduce your risk of illness.
- Regular G.P. visits. Take the opportunity to discuss with your doctor issues such as regular health screening and illness/disease prevention plans.
- Education. Learning more about your body and potential health risks allows you to take steps to pro-actively take control of your health.
- Stay Socially Connected. Maintain or expand social contacts, get involved in community-based organisations or just simply put yourself in places you are likely to meet people.
As they say, “You are a long time retired” so having good health, not just wealth, will help sustain you throughout your retirement.
Mal Gregory
Active 50’s Fitness