Five Steps To Getting Your Super Sorted

Here are some practical suggestions from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia

Get to know your super  The better you get to know your super, the more comfortable you will be making decisions about it.  Spend a few minutes finding out how to access your account and checking your balance to see if you are on track when it comes to saving for the lifestyle you want in retirement.

Track down lost or unclaimed super  Use the Australian Tax Office’s SuperSeeker tool to track down your lost or unclaimed super, and transfer it into your active account.  To find out more, see Super Guru’s finding lost super page.

Check the options within your fund  This means checking your insurance and investment options, to make sure they are the right fit for your individual circumstances.  When it comes to insurance, make sure you have the right type, and enough to cover your financial needs if something unforeseen was to happen.  The investment choice you make can also have a big impact on your final superannuation balance, so talk to your fund about the different options available and then choose one that is the most suitable for you.

Consolidate your accounts  The more superannuation accounts you have, the more you will pay in fees. You might also be paying for insurance you don’t need, or can’t claim on.  Over time this can put a massive dent in your super savings.  Consolidating and moving this money into one account can, over time, save you thousands of dollars.  See Super Guru’s consolidating your super page to find out more.

Plan to save more  Figure out how much money you will need, and work out how much you can afford to put away now, for the lifestyle you want in retirement in the future.  To find out how much you can save, see Super Guru’s small change, big savings tool.

The Super Guru website has lots more handy tips, tools and calculators to help you get the most out of your super. – See more at:


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