Welcome to dating in the millennium, today’s lifestyle has forced us to look beyond the horizon and take a proactive approach to finding that special someone. With high divorce rates, longer lifespan, busy schedules or the possibility of never walking down the isle a new dating approach has been born. Dating is no longer reserved for the young, there have never been so many singles available for you to meet and interactive with.

Re-entering the dating scene can be both exciting and stressful at any age, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You have worked hard, reached your peak of independence, financial states and freedom of life experience. Now is your time to find a companion to share your life journey. For successful dating to be achieved you must take strategic approach, just like you would with any other life goal you wish to accomplish. Don’t wait around for fate to come knocking, open doors!

Tips for Dating Success:

  • The key word is expand your “network”, whether its joining a social group, sailing club, walking group, volunteer, take up that dancing you have always wanted to try (men this is an ideal for you as it is flooded with women), try a singles event, organise your own or hire the services of a professional matchmaker.
  • Give yourself a makeover throw away those old jeans, renew your wardrobe, try a new modern hairstyle and new fragrance, practice dating with a friend ask for honest feedback and set realistic expectations.
  • On your date keep the conversation positive, a large turn off is negativity, don’t share your war stories with your date, save them for your friends.
  • Ask questions, prepare at least 5 questions to ask your date, find out what you would like to know about them, listen and respond with warmth.
  • Think of at least three reasons why you are a catch, whether it’s your famous cooking, your great story telling or your great knowledge.
  • Lastly be the date you want to meet, be interesting, smile, warm and friendly.