I was talking to an elderly gentleman who swims at a local beach 4-5 times a week and he said “I can’t believe I’m 85.  That’s pretty old, but I’m not”.  It’s an interesting thought and one that’s worth thinking about.

I certainly have trouble believing the date on my birth certificate and most of the over 60s that I know think that they’re still in their 40s.

I wonder why this is.  Is it some kind of mass delusion that affects so many over 60s or is it something that’s hard wired into our brains to keep our attitudes’ more positive?

I did some research and found some university studies in both England and America that were both interesting and encouraging to anyone over 60.  The Uni of Michigan study indicated that feeling younger than our real age was good for us.  It helps to define how we act and if someone feels younger than they are, they will probably act accordingly.  On the other hand, if someone feels they are “old”, that’s the way they’ll act.

This idea was supported by research from the University College London, which suggested that people who felt younger than their real age were more likely to live longer than those who felt as old as they really were.

A very wise friend of mine suggested that what many over 60s are experiencing is not so much feeling “younger”- it’s about feeling more “vibrant” because of the wisdom we have gained over the years and the ability we now have to “give back” to our community.  It’s an interesting viewpoint.

It’s a great pity that the popular stereotypes of older people are so out of touch with reality.  They may have been valid 50 years ago, but most of today’s overs 60s have very little in common with the “old people” images so much of the media still trot out.