by Paul McKeon | Jul 17, 2017 | Articles
“Who are you?” It’s probably one of the most confronting questions we can be asked. The obvious answer – “I’m Paul, I’m married, live in Coffs Harbour, publish books, used to be in tourism, marketing, sports promotion and advertising etc” is also not the right... by Paul McKeon | Jul 10, 2017 | Articles
I was at a seminar last year and the presenter offered a great example of how fast the years go by. She said “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. In the early years it rotates slowly but as the paper gets used, it starts rotating faster till in our later years the...
by Paul McKeon | Jun 25, 2017 | Articles
While we’re still working, the idea of sitting around and just relaxing may sound very appealing. And it is – for a while. But if it becomes a major part of our life in retirement, we’re heading for trouble. Just watching lots of TV and avoiding any activities...