Finding Happiness

While speaking at seminars about preparing for retirement I’ve often heard people saying things like “I’ll be happy when I retire” and “when I give up work I’ll be happy”.  Unfortunately if they don’t think they’ll be happy until they retire, they’ll probably be disappointed […]

10 Steps To Become A Happier Person

Have you noticed how some people spend a lot of their time looking and sounding happy while others appear miserable most days of the week? Happiness is not something that falls out of the sky and lands on some lucky people and not others.  If […]

Where Are You Going To Live?

Where you are going to live when you finish full time employment?  This is a very important question and the answer can have a major impact on the rest of your life.  There is no “right” answer, it’s a matter of finding out what works […]

A Homely Exchange

The couch surfing concept has come a long way since its humble and free beginnings.  The explosion of the internet and the subsequent advent of websites like Airbnb mean that as travellers, we have more accommodation options at this moment in history than ever before, […]

Want A Longer Life? Join A Club

Joining a book club after retirement could extend your life just as much as doing weekly exercise. Dr Niklas Steffens and Dr Tegan Cruwys of The University of Queensland School of Psychology have published findings that indicate social groups are vital to longevity and wellbeing. […]