Retirement is about more than money

If we haven’t learned by our 60s that life is about living and not about how much money we have, then retirement may not be much fun. When you think about it, it’s only logical retirement planning should focus on how we are going to […]

What if you live a lot longer than you expected

This was the caption of an article in a recent edition of the Weekend Australian. It looked at some of the implications of Australians living for 20 – 30 years in retirement. Obviously there are a lot of financial issues to consider for individuals, governments, […]

Major changes to superannuation coming in July 2017

Many people who are either contributing towards their superannuation, or living off their super savings are unaware of some significant changes to superannuation which are coming into effect from July1 this year. The changes are far too complicated to explain in this short article so […]

Women, Retirement and Poverty

There are numerous stories about older, generally single women living in poverty. Our current economic system is loaded against women and here are some of the factors that have added to the problem.

Wellness Or illness?

There’s a lot we can do about our lifestyle, even if we’re in our 50s, 60s or 70s. If we want to give ourselves the best chance of good health in later life, we need to take responsibility for our health and adopt a strategy.

Life without a business card

Adjusting to life in retirement Our society encourages us to seek goals built around wealth, power, status and fame.  Often our career is the vehicle that we use to pursue these ambitions.  This means that our identities are often defined by our career and how […]

Five Steps To Getting Your Super Sorted

Here are some practical suggestions from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Get to know your super  The better you get to know your super, the more comfortable you will be making decisions about it.  Spend a few minutes finding out how to access […]

How to be Happy, Retired and Single

A retirement planning book for Singles who are approaching retirement, or already in the early years. It will provide you with a valuable guide through lots of issues that most financial advisers don’t talk about.

Buy it on Amazon