How Your Relationship can Thrive in Retirement

(2 customer reviews)


This book is a guide to help you make the adjustments to your relationship that retirement often requires.

Life in our 50s and 60s is a time of great change. It can be both wonderful and challenging for any relationship. This book is a guide to help you make the adjustments to your relationship that retirement often requires.Most retirement planning doesn’t pay much attention to relationships, but the reality is that unless we are happy in our important relationships, life in retirement won’t be truly satisfying. Living with your partner 24/7 isn’t always easy and often requires some adjustments and compromises.

This book, written by experienced relationship counsellor, Sandra Kimball, gives you lots of practical advice on how to make your relationship stronger and happier as you adapt to a new life after full time work.

So what’s in the book?

Here’s a sample of some of the chapter headings –

Leaving work – Who are you when you wake up in the morning

Facing unaccustomed togetherness

Communication – Listening for a change

Sexuality – Beyond body parts

Forgive the past – release resentments

Modern families

When one of you gets sick

2 reviews for How Your Relationship can Thrive in Retirement

  1. Janice Sullivan

    After 35 years of marriage, I wasn’t expecting any relationship strains after we both retired so I was very surprised when I noticed we were arguing more often and my husband was becoming quite iritible. My sister suggested this book and we found it really made a difference. There’s lots of clear sensible advice and it’s easy to follow. The best $8.90 that I’ve spent in a long time

  2. Charly Lee

    No one warned us that being together 24/7 could be challenging and thats what we found when we were both retired. We both took our relationship for granted and were really surprised when things started to get tense and we started arguing about silly things. Fortunately a friend told us about this book and after reading it and applying some of the suggestions, our relationship is a lot better now

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