Many ABC TV viewers would have watched the series of brain training programs hosted by Tod Sampson, which started in October. It’s both fascinating and very encouraging to learn that it’s now possible to significantly improve the performance of our brains. This program is showing that with some training and dedication we can now improve our memory, think faster and more clearly, improve our peripheral vision and generally slow down the deterioration of an ageing brain.
It’s all about brain plasticity and it appears that our brains are similar to other aspects of our bodies in so much that its either “Use it or lose it”.
While this knowledge of being able to improve brain performance is of interest to younger people, it gives the over 50s real hope that they are no longer powerless to prevent the gradual run down of their mental capacity. This is not saying that 70 year olds can achieve the same mental capabilities of people in their 20s, however they now have some tools that can slow down the process of deterioration and zero in on some of their known problem areas (like memory), which can be improved.
The American brain specialist who is working with Tod Sampson is Dr. Michael Merzenich and he is the researcher who had developed many of the brain exercises featured in the program. If the ABC and Tod Sampson are any guide, these on line brain exercises really work.
Personally I find it very encouraging to discover that our brain performance is not all downhill after 50. It’s really empowering to learn that if we are prepared to put in an hour or so a week on these brain exercises which stimulate under- utilised portions of our brains, we can improve our mental performance and increase the chances of retaining our mental capacity as we age.