Are you one of the thousands of people who plan to retire this year; are you seeking a redundancy next year; or are you one of those unfortunates that will unexpectedly be made redundant.

Research undertaken by lifestyle retirement planning firm, Third Age Options Pty Ltd, ( has identified 120 lifestyle issues that need to be considered by pre-retirees and retirees. I ask readers to write down as many lifestyle issues that you can think of that may impact on your retirement lifestyle. How many did you list? If you listed more than 20 you have reached the pass mark. Congratulations!! If you haven’t then you need to consider your future years much more closely.

I ask “ Have you given thought to your life after retirement?” Far too many people in their Third Age leave such thinking until the last minute. Research shows that those who plan their lifestyle desires are far happier, more contented and have a more fulfilling life in retirement than those who don’t plan for this major life transition. So isn’t wise to consider and plan for this event rather than wait for it to happen? Isn’t it better to have some control over your future life? Surely this matter needs some consideration now or are you going to let it just happen and go with the flow? I hope not – you need to be in control.By Alan GreigReitrement Coach and Counsellor