by Sean McKeon | Jul 24, 2018 | Articles
Peter thought that he had achieved a fair degree of success in his career as he approached retirement. He had climbed the corporate ladder and had a good job, attractive partner, nice house and car and only one divorce. He did however suffer from anxiety attacks and...
by Paul McKeon | Jul 20, 2018 | Articles
This is the perennial question and the one that keeps lots of financial advisers in a job and many over 50s up late at night. Our visions, or fears about retirement are often driven by this question. One answer is that everyone is different and there’s no “one size... by Julianne McKeon | Jul 16, 2018 | Articles
Sophia Zoungas, Monash University The benefits of healthy older people taking statins to prevent heart disease and stroke needs to be balanced with the risk of side effects. There is growing debate about whether doctors should prescribe statins to otherwise healthy...
5 Rules for Giving a Great Retirement Speech
by Paul McKeon | Jul 11, 2018 | Articles
There’s a fair chance that many of the people who read my columns will probably have to make a retirement speech at some time in the future. As the thought of public speaking gives most of us the horrors, here a few pointers that can make it easier. If you’ve already...
Regrets .. I’ve had a few
by Paul McKeon | Jul 5, 2018 | Articles
This is one of the lines from Frank Sinatra’s classic “I did it my way” and it’s one of the most popular songs sung at funerals. It’s certainly true that many people go to their graves with regrets, but if you think about it, it’s pretty sad if people carry regrets...
Over 50s Health – Meditation can help
by Julianne McKeon | Jun 28, 2018 | Articles
Meditation is no longer regarded as some exotic, new age practice where people chant and go into a trance. It is widely accepted in medical circles that meditation has lots of proven, practical advantages and can play a major role in both avoiding many illnesses and...