DIY Retirement Plan

We have recently produced a comprehensive DIY retirement plan which makes it far easier for people to develop their own plan for the next stage of their lives.  It comes as a detailed work book which you can download and complete in your own time. […]

Australia Day Honours – We All Win

Unfortunately the recent Australia Day Honours were overshadowed by the Prime Minister’s incredible decision regarding the Duke of Edinburgh. What the day should have been about is recognising how fortunate we all are living in Australia and recognising the contributions made by a number of […]

Semi-Retirement: Try Before You Buy

For those people who love their job retirement is often something to be feared and resisted.  Here’s how Fred P. approached this challenge – Fred owned his own business and had a staff of 10 people.  He loved his job and when his wife talked […]

Retired? Take Dancing Lessons

What we’re really saying here is that now is a great time to get out and do some¬thing different and interesting with your life! As well as making you more fun to be around, learning new skills is great for your brain. In fact learning […]

Job Survey

A report on a survey of mature job seekers was released mid December by 2 organisations active in the recruitment industry, Adage and Ellis Jones. A survey of over 1000 mature workers revealed some pretty depressing findings, which were – • 79% believe employers don‘t […]

How To Avoid Falls

The surprising answer is “train your brain”. The risk of falling and a deterioration in our ability to walk briskly and securely are two of the more worrying aspects of ageing.  While these faults are generally blamed on our legs, there’s plenty of medical evidence […]