by Paul McKeon | Jul 10, 2017 | Articles
I was at a seminar last year and the presenter offered a great example of how fast the years go by. She said “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. In the early years it rotates slowly but as the paper gets used, it starts rotating faster till in our later years the...
by Paul McKeon | Jun 17, 2017 | Articles
If we haven’t learned by our 60s that life is about living and not about how much money we have, then retirement may not be much fun. When you think about it, it’s only logical retirement planning should focus on how we are going to spend the next 20 – 30 years....
by Paul McKeon | Mar 8, 2017 | Articles
Vince retired a couple of years ago with enough money to be reasonably comfortable, if not wealthy. He and his wife couldn’t afford two month European holidays, but they could afford a couple of trips to S.E. Asian countries and they had a small caravan which they... by Paul McKeon | Aug 6, 2008 | Articles
The question is not ‘What do I do IN my retirement?’ . . . rather ‘What do I do WITH my retirement?’ The very word ‘retirement’ conjures up something different for each and everyone one of us. I wonder what it means for you? What is interesting is that our attitude...