In 2010, Marsha Dearden-Cadd (principal of Marsha Dearden Communications) and Mary White (PR and Media Specialist) decided that something was needed to increase the very little recognition that was being given to the ever-growing role that today’s Grandparents play in the family.
The (Australian) Grandparent Of The Year Award (GOTYA) was born.
Nominations open on June 1 and close on August 31 each year and the Awards are announced on the first Sunday in October.
Next came Grandparent’s Day Magazine (GDM) – a stylish, contemporary, informative, online Australian-flavoured magazine focused at the millions of people involved in Grandparenting and their varied interests and accomplishments. Written for both men and women, GDM aims to inform, share, celebrate, contribute to and accentuate every facet of being a Grandparent within today’s community.
GDM is published online at the beginning of each Australian season – Summer (December 1st), Autumn (March 1st), Winter (June 1st) and Spring (September 1st).
It is envisaged that these two major initiatives will lead to the implementation of an annual Australian Grandparents Day to be held on the first Sunday in October – and the eventual setting up of the Grandparents Day Foundation for the benefit of Australian grandparents and their projects.
Planning is underway for Grandparenting Australia – the first national Australian Conference of Grandparents to be held in Adelaide on 4-6 October, 2013.
For more information contact Mary White or 0401 379 710
Grandparent Of The Year Award
Grandparents Day Magazine
Grandparenting Australia National Conference
4-6 October, 2013 in Adelaide, SA
Suppporting the initiative for an Australian National Grandparents Day on the first Sunday in October.