Many people have preconceived ideas about various aspects of meditation. Some think its about sitting cross-legged making ‘ohm’ sounds, others conjure up notions of trying to still the mind to no avail. Most people believe they have no time to regularly sit quietly, doing nothing. But, is that what meditation is… doing nothing?

Not as far as latest research indicates. Scientists are discovering that our cells are in constant two-way communication, a bit like traffic on a busy highway. They’ve discovered that the nervous system and all our organs are transmitting messages and the immune system is involved in this network of communication. For the flow to run smoothly we have to make sure we do not create a traffic jam, because stress and trauma can produce an information overload. Pockets of blocked emotion held in the body, can cause a breakdown in the free flow of energy and adversely affect our general health. Meditation has many health benefits, and just one of them is that it may release blocked emotions. Clearing away stress helps us unwind.

In fact, unwind to such a degree, that we can begin to deal with hectic daily demands on our time, much more efficiently.

Not taking time out for quiet contemplation can lead to an accumulation of excess stress, which may be the cause of road rage, anxiety and worry, just to name a few symptoms most of us know only too well. Rather than consider meditation to be time consuming… time we can ill afford, we could consider it to be a natural remedy that helps us overcome the pressure cooker, in which we sometimes find ourselves. Another well-researched and scientifically supported benefit is, that during meditation our nervous system produces endorphins, the “feel good” chemicals, which enhance our mood and feelings of wellbeing. Good feelings breed good health.

Some people say the easiest way to meditate is to listen to a Guided Meditation tape before they go to sleep. It helps them switch off and drift off into a deep meditative state and they feel so much more relaxed and calm. Many report sleeping much better and waking up more refreshed. When we steady our thoughts, mind and body, we feel calmer and have more energy to think clearer and complete tasks more efficiently in a shorter time. Almost reminds you of the old fable “the tortoise and the hare”? After all is said and done, just remember, “we are human Beings not human Doings.” Because life is more than just doing, take time out for being… being calm, being content and enjoying life. And yes! Take time to meditate… This article is intended to be informative and interactive. Readers are invited to participate, by writing to us with their thoughts or comments and to request topics of interest, relating to health issues.

Written byKatherine Ferris

Source: Sydney Wellbeing Centre