Many people would have been watching the BBC program ‘Who do you think you are?’ Knowing where you came from and who you are descended from gives people a sense of identity, a sense of knowing where they are in today’s time and place.

This excellent program traces the family history of various English celebrities of different cultural backgrounds taking the viewer through the various steps of genealogical research. For these individuals the journey is emotional and hugely rewarding. And so it can be for everyone.

Genealogy starts from TODAY. It looks at what we know about the current individual and then traces back from generation to generation.

The internet now provides access to a wide range of records, many being scanned copies of the original documents.

Every since the introduction in 1837 of compulsory registration of births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales tracing ancestors has become more accessible and the census data provides wonderful information on occupations, places of residence, disability and other family members. There are excellent facilities for researching Scottish Ancestors, for example

An experienced researcher will know where to look for information relating to births, marriages and deaths.

As many of our Australian ancestors came from Europe, there is a growing interest in tracing, Jewish Ancestors, post-war immigrants from Hungary, Poland, Romania, Germany etc., and whilst this is a more difficult, positive outcomes are certainly achievable.

The skill is genealogy is knowing where to look for the appropriate information. There is a veritable maze of internet sites many of which you have to pay for either by subscription or on a pay-per-view basis. This is where the expert research team at the ‘Geni-ologist’ can provide a cost effective and professional service. We have excellent facilities for tracing English, Welsh and Scottish ancestors.

IF you would like the opportunity to give yourself a full sense of family, contact the Geni-ologist. or or 0403403257