Tai chi may help people with type 2 diabetes improve their physical and mental wellbeing, say Australian researchers.Grasping a sparrow’s tail doesn’t work up as much of a sweat as it sounds.That’s the beauty of the ancient Chinese martial art of tai chi. Based on a series of sets of gentle exercises with names like ‘grasp the sparrows tail’ and ‘part the wild horse’s mane’, tai chi may benefit people with type 2 diabetes, say Australian researchers.They compared blood sugar levels, blood pressure and other health measures for 25 patients who attended formal tai chi classes over a six-month period to those of a control group who did no formal exercise. The study, published this month in Australian Family Physician, used standardised quality of life tests and reported that the group attending tai chi classes scored a significant improvement in both their social and their physical functioning. They also had lowered cholesterol levels compared to the control group. However, the researchers from the University of New South Wales, admit the intensity and duration of the gentle tai chi exercise program wasn’t sufficient to make a big difference to blood sugar levels and blood pressure.But they argue that tai chi has higher levels of adherence than many other types of exercise. As it is non-competitive and levels are increased slowly, it is suitable for sedentary, overweight or disabled people, making it a good choice for those daunted by more strenuous programs.

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