“We had our retirement planned – the four-wheel drive and the caravan – trips away and time to enjoy family without the pressure of work. Suddenly there were three children to care for with all the costs of clothes, school, medical expenses and everything. Our budget just wasn’t going to stretch that far …we had to completely re-think our lives”


Raising grandchildren can be a costly business and there is no doubt you have not planned for this situation in your older age. Plans for retirement might need to change: you may find you need to retire early to cope with your new life – on the other hand you might choose to keep working longer due to the added costs of raising another family.

Your house might need extensions – you may need a bigger car or a bigger fridge. Your daily cost of living will undoubtedly increase with extra food, medical bills, clothing and schooling. If your grandchild has a disability there will be the added costs of specialist care and support.

Whatever your financial situation you may find you are entitled to some government assistance. If you are really struggling you may find you need some crisis intervention.

Where do you go for HELP?

You will find there are a range of benefits and allowances available. There are 3 ways to get financial assistance:

1. Federal government – Centrelink

2. State government – The Department of Community Services (DOCs)

3. Local Community Support Organisations – with access to crisis relief services