In his book “It’s the thought that Counts: The astounding evidence for the power of mind over matter” Dr David Hamilton shows how our state of mind – our daily thoughts and emotions – influence our health. It shows, for instance, how positive thinking and laughter can boost the immune system and smooth heart rhythms, and how some negative states can have the opposite effect. It explains how meditation and visualisation heals and even points out that our thoughts affect our DNA.
In his book “It’s the thought that Counts: The astounding evidence for the power of mind over matter” Dr David Hamilton shows how our state of mind – our daily thoughts and emotions – influence our health. It shows, for instance, how positive thinking and laughter can boost the immune system and smooth heart rhythms, and how some negative states can have the opposite effect. It explains how meditation and visualisation heals and even points out that our thoughts affect our DNA.
It also describes how, by choosing to be kind and understanding towards people, not only do we improve our own health, but we have a positive effect on them too. And it shows how, by cultivating an attitude of love and kindness towards people, that we can make our world a better place. The book inspires the reader to adopt 3 simple rules: Love for Self, Love for Others, and Love for Nature.
“It’s the Thought That Counts:
The astounding evidence for the power of mind over matter”
by Dr David R Hamilton PhD
The recent debate about “unproven” complementary therapies has divided Britain’s doctors and scientists. Conventional doctors, who practise evidence-based medicine, argue that the treatments that they provide have been tested in controlled trials to ensure their effects over a placebo, standard treatment and no treatment at all.
As it is difficult to clinically prove the therapeutic effects of complementary therapies and medicines, some suggest that it is all in the mind. Can a placebo, a medicine or treatment known to have no scientifically proven healing qualities, heal a patient? If you believe that acupuncture or osteopathy work and you feel better for having the treatment then what’s the problem? If it is all in the mind, then part of the healing effects of modern drugs are also due to the placebo affect.
“I believe that complementary therapies work, partly because of the placebo effect, but also in their own right”, says Dr Hamilton. “A recent scientific report shows that touch speeds up growth in some areas of the brain in infants and so has implications for massage and osteopathy. It’s the same with modern drugs – they work in their own right, but a patient’s belief in the drug, or in the doctor who prescribed it, makes the drug work better. If they don’t believe in the drug or the doctor then the drug won’t work as well. In other words, belief has a big effect not only in complementary therapies but also in modern drugs – a fact most doctors and scientists seem to forget”.
In his new easy-to-read book, “It’s the Thought that Counts”, Dr Hamilton describes how our thoughts and emotions influence the state of our bodies and the conditions of our lives, and how they, together with everyone else’s, collectively influence the world.
In a non-scientific style, Dr Hamilton gives examples of studies showing:
- How belief heals
- How emotions affect our DNA
- How we are able to influence organisms through intention
- The effects of words and emotions on water
- How the power of prayer heals
“It’s the Thought that Counts” can be read by people with no background in science – just an interest in the power of thought. “This book was written so that people could realise that what they always thought just might be true, really is”. Dr Hamilton.
Dr Hamilton gained a PhD in chemistry and then spent 4 years as a scientist in the pharmaceutical industry. During this time he also served as an athletics coach and manager of the junior men’s team of Sale Harriers Athletics Club in Manchester.
Ironically, it was during his time manufacturing pharmaceutical drugs that inspired him to research the power of the mind. Recognising the ability of the placebo tablet to cure people time and time again (sometimes the placebo is as good as the drug), he left the industry and began researching why. This led him to study the work of scientists, healers, and even mystics and led to the publication of his bestselling book, “It’s the Thought that Counts: The astounding evidence for the power of mind over matter.”
While he was researching for this book, Dr Hamilton also co-founded, and served as a director of, the international relief charity, ‘Spirit Aid Foundation’, which helps children who have suffered the effects of war. He also worked as a college lecturer in chemistry and ecology and a university tutor in chemistry.
Have you healed yourself?
Dr Hamilton is currently researching for a new book about the healing power of visualisation. He is looking for personal stories of how you’ve healed yourself of both small and major illnesses. He would like to know if you’ve even healed a burn or a cold through visualisation, or if you’ve tackled something bigger like arthritis, or even cancer or HIV/AIDS.
Article by Dr David R Hamilton PhD, supplied by