The new face of Dove skincare products isn’t a celebrity and you probably haven’t seen her on the red carpet lately; she’s a 63-year-old grandmother out to prove that real women want to see more realistic shapes in beauty advertisements.

Carolyn Oates is one sexagenarian happy to admit that her body has flaws — but she maintains ageing makes women more beautiful.

“Real women come in all shapes, sizes, colours and ages, and real beauty comes exactly in that package,” she said. “You know I’ve got all the rolls and the age spots and a few other little things…If you’re feeling healthy and have a positive outlook, you’re fine.”

Carolyn beat off four other women over 50 to become the new face of the cosmetic giant’s Australian “pro-age” campaign. The response to the initial call out was impressive, according to Women’s Weekly editor, Deb Thomas.

“It was very hard (to choose a winner) because there were so many gorgeous women in their 50s and 60s who turned up for the casting — turned up to get their gear off — I mean that’s quite extraordinary,” she said.

“I also love the message it (the competition) sends to young women,” said Ms Thomas. “I think younger women have a fear of getting older and it’s just saying that you can be fabulous, gorgeous and appear in beauty commercials even into your 60s.”

Story From ACA website