Six Tips For Enjoying A Healthy Overseas Holiday

Don’t let any health problems spoil your next overseas holiday. If you’re planning one soon, think about these:


Don’t wait till its only weeks before you go to organise your vaccinations. Ask your doctor or travel agent what vaccinations you should have well before you depart. Different countries require different vaccinations. If in doubt, there are specialist travel health centres in most capital cities and regional centres.

Travel insurance

If you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel. You are taking a huge financial risk if you don’t buy travel insurance before you go.

Take responsibility for your safety

Some overseas countries are more casual about personal safety than Australia. As you are in unfamiliar environments, often in the hands of tour guides, who may or may not be well trained, you need to take responsibility for your own safety. Don’t be afraid to tell local taxi drivers to slow down. Don’t take chances you wouldn’t at home. Make sure you get and use good safety equipment on any adventure trips.

Eating & drinking can be health hazards

A dose of diarrhoea is rarely much fun, especially if you are travelling. It can be difficult avoiding contaminated food and water – the normal causes. In many developing countries, salads, local water and eating unpeeled fruit can be dangerous. It is advisable to carry some good diarrhoea medication with you and if the attack persists, seek medical attention promptly. Dehydration in the tropics is not recommended.

Security and medications

In these times of heightened security, it’s no fun to be stopped at customs and queried about any “suspicious” medication you are carrying. If you are carrying any medication, it’s advisable to have a letter from your doctor stating what it is and why you need it. Check that your medication is legal in the countries you are going to. Keep the medication in its original packaging. It would be advisable to ask your travel agent or airline for any advice they had for the countries you are travelling through.

Long flights

Long haul flights can be hard on the body. Enthusiastic consumption of alcohol should be avoided as the dehydration will catch up fast. Regular water and fruit juices will help you to feel better at the end of the trip. Much has been written about the risk of deep vein thrombosis. Some exercises while you are sitting down can help keep the blood flowing. Walks up and down the isles are a good idea. At any refuelling stops, try to walk around the terminals instead of sitting.

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