Being born in the ‘Baby Boomers’ era means that our parents are getting older and may require more looking after. More time spent on checking on them and ensuring everything is running smoothly in their lives. Taking them for their appointments and sorting out any problems that are worrying them.
It can be at a time when we also maybe worried for our own future, retirement looming, not having as secure a financial prospect as you once thought, or health issues of your own. This can make it a difficult time to deal with and you may end up with more on your plate that you had even thought about.
It is also a time when our children require a bit of guidance, their changing relationships, grandchildren, purchasing property or returning home after a relationship breakdown. All these things can end up at your door and it is not always easy to stay calm and not allow stress to get the better of you. Sometimes when you are there for everyone else, you forget yourself.
This is where counselling can help, a friendly face, a listening ear – that hears what you are saying and support through the difficult time. Knowing whatever you say in that confidential environment will not touch anyone or ever go any further than that room. A Professional counsellor is non-judgemental and can help you through the array of issues that life brings, assisting you to cope and teaching you how to deal with difficult situations.
If you feel that you could benefit from Counselling, look for a local Professional Counsellor in your area.
We at Clarity Counselling are there to help, based in Sydney NSW.
Clarity CWW Counselling
‘Helping You, Help Yourself’
Tel: 02 8883 1758